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 [Burns Federation]   [Charitable]   [Commercial]   [Eastern Star]   [English Chapter]   [English Craft]   [Governing Bodies]   [Group Masonic Centres]   [Irish Constitution]   [Knights Templar]   [Ladies Freemasons]   [London Hotel Special Rates]   [Masonic Interest]   [Masonic Publications]   [Overseas]   [Ramada Mount Royal Hotel - Edinburgh]   [Recommended Hotels]   [Rosslyn Chapel]   [Scottish Chapter]   [Scottish Craft]   [Scottish DGL]   [Scottish Overseas Constitutions]   [Scottish PGL]   [Website Awards]   [Ye Corporation O' Squaremen] 
Top Hat and Tails Weddings
Professional Videographers producing quality wedding video packages in standard or high defintion, good range of options. 
Local business worthy of consideration.

The Masonic Kilties of New Jersey
The Masonic Kilties of New Jersey are a Masonic degree team which specializes in conferring the Third, or Master Mason Degree, in full Scottish Highland dress.
WE are a dedicated Irish Constitution website with a large selection of audio, video, photo gallery and text files on the history, symbolism and administration of Irish Constitution Lodges.

Mither Shed
Website of the Mither Shed, Ye Corporation O'Squaremen. 
Information and history regarding the Order. 
History of the Blue Blanket. 
Historical Billets. 

Oracle Lodge No.1003 - I.C.
Oracle Lodge 1003 is a Masonic Lodge within the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland. It was Constituted at a ceremony held on Thursday, 2nd October 2003 by The Most Worshipful Grand Master Eric N. Waller and The Grand Lodge of Ireland in the Grand Lodge Room, Freemasons' Hall, Dublin. It was established to meet the needs of Brethren who wish to pursue the deeper allegoric and symbolic meaning of Freemasonry through research, ritual and fraternal companionship. We encourage each member to pursue his Masonic journey with us, in our quest for truth and understanding.

Lodge Perla del Oriente No.1034 S.C.
The history of Freemasonry under the Scottish Constitution in the Philippines is filled with events that are of interest to the Fraternity. By its introduction into the Philippines there has been added an element of strength to the Craft as a whole. The establishment and progress of Freemasonry under the Scottish Constitution in the Philippines is of great concern to Masons of this country.

On 1st June 1907, several brethren, recognizing each other as Master Masons in good standing, assembled at the residence of Brother Manuel Camus at 196 San Sebastian Street, Manila. Their purpose was to map out preliminary measures for the institution of a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons under the Scottish Constitution in Manila, Philippines.

Lodge Craigends No.1042
Lodge Craigends meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month (September to May) in the town of Linwood, Renfrewshire. It's charter was granted on 7th May 1908 by The Grand Lodge of Scotland and is in the Masonic Province of Renfrewshire East. Lodge Craigends No.1042 celebrates it's Centenary in 2008 and the Lodge looks forward to another successful 100 years of Freemasonry in Linwood, supporting and improving both the community and the Craft. 

Lodge St. Fothad's Auchterderran No.1059
Fife Province Masonic Lodge. The Lodge Charter was granted on 5th August 1909 and the Lodge was given the number 1059 on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. A most fortunate coincidence as 1059 was the year Fothadh became the chief Bishop of St Andrews and in effect the Patron Saint of our Parish of Auchterderran.

Lodge Prestwick No.1060
As RWM of Lodge Prestwick 1060, may I extend a very warm welcome to all visitors and members, and I hope while in the company of the brethren your stay is a very pleasent and enjoyable one.  
We meet on the second and last Thursdays of the month at 7.30 PM 

Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No.1067
Welcome to Lodge Coltswood Glenboig No.1067 website. RWM, Brother Colin T. Campbell, Office-bearers and Brethren of this Lodge would like to welcome you most warmly and fraternally. If you wish to attend our meetings please check the syllabus for details. We meet on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays September to June. Our Installation ceremony is on the 1st Saturday in December at 4.00 pm  

Lodge Paisley St.James No.1116
The Right Worshipful Master and Brethren would like to welcome you to the Website for Lodge Paisley St James No 1116 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.  
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of every month (except the August meeting which is the 4th Thursday) at Maxwellton Masonic Temple, Paisley. 

Lodge Auchtergaven No.1123
Masonic site from Bankfoot Perthshire.

Lodge Blackrigg No.1145
The new Temple was dedicated on 24th March, 1956, by Provincial Grand Master Bro. James Williamson supported by twenty-seven members of Provincial Grand Lodge. Thanks to the good husbandry of many Brethren and of good friends outwith Blackridge Lodge, the building of the Temple continued to be a success story.

Lodge Canmore 1175
Welcome from RWM Lodge Canmore Dunfermline, Fife , Scotland numbering 1175 on the roll of The Grand Lodge of Scotland. The Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Canmore 1175 Bro Brian Appleby would like to extend a warm welcome to all visitors and fraternal greetings to all bretheren. The aim of the site is to try to introduce others to the workings of Freemasonry or the Craft as it is sometimes called.

Lodge St John Stoneyburn No.1186
Official website of Lodge St John Stoneyburn No 1186 in the Province of Linlithgowshire. Please sign our guestbook. Haste ye back

Lodge St. Olaf No.1188
The Antient, Free and Accepted Lodge of Scottish Freemasons have been meeting in Cruden Bay since 1919 since when the “Lodge” has been a popular centre of friendship for hundreds of village men. Freemasons Lodges meet on a regular basis, generally during the months between October and May. Lodge St. Olaf meets fortnightly from the first Thursday in October through until March inclusive

Lodge Mauldslie No.1199
Newly Updated Site - Lodge & Chapter website full of interesting Masonic information. Offer support to the lodge by visiting the website or the lodge where everyone is made welcome.

Lodge Lochiel No.1200
Welcome to Lodge Lochiel Website. We have a excellent team of Office Bearers in the Lodge and with the continued support of the Brethren it is hoped we can have a successful year. Any Brother who finds himself in the Area and would like to visit will be assured of a warm welcome at the number one Lodge in Lochaber. Thank you for visiting our site and we would welcome you back in the future. 

The Royds Lodge No. 1204
The Royds Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of England was consecrated on Monday 30th December 1867 and entered as number 1204 on the register of the United Grand Lodge of England. The Royds Lodge meets at the Masonic Hall, Malvern, and is in the Masonic Province of Worcestershire.

Lodge Kelvin Partick No.1207
Lodge Kelvin Partick No. 1207 Regular meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month at 9 Ardery Street, Partick, Glasgow, Scotland G11. Lodge Kelvin Partick is a member of the Western District Lodges Association. This Association consists of the Seven Lodge located in the West End of Glasgow who rally to support each other. ~ Visitors Are Always Welcome :

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