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masonic links courtesy of millenium mark

Millennium Mark would be pleased to link with other sites whether lodge, chapter or information sites. Should your organisation wish to be linked to our website we would be happy to consider your enquiry application. Many of the current links are of course customers we currently supply regalia to. 

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 [Burns Federation]   [Charitable]   [Commercial]   [Eastern Star]   [English Chapter]   [English Craft]   [Governing Bodies]   [Group Masonic Centres]   [Irish Constitution]   [Knights Templar]   [Ladies Freemasons]   [London Hotel Special Rates]   [Masonic Interest]   [Masonic Publications]   [Overseas]   [Ramada Mount Royal Hotel - Edinburgh]   [Recommended Hotels]   [Rosslyn Chapel]   [Scottish Chapter]   [Scottish Craft]   [Scottish DGL]   [Scottish Overseas Constitutions]   [Scottish PGL]   [Website Awards]   [Ye Corporation O' Squaremen] 
Honolulu York Rite Bodies
Honolulu York Rite Bodies Since 1857  
The York Rite is an aggregate of four bodies, forming one whole. One cannot stop on the way and have a complete understanding of Ancient Craft Masonry. Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery.

Edinburgh Masonic Club
Situated in the heart of Edinburgh, The Edinburgh Masonic Club is a peaceful oasis of traditional style and atmosphere. A private club for members, visitors, friends and family, the club offers space and comfort providing a quality of amenities and service in relaxing and pleasant surroundings. Plans have been submitted and approved for a new club details of which will be updated regularaly on the site to keep everyone informed of the application progress.  

District Grand Lodge of Bahamas
Scottish Freemasonry in The Bahamas can trace its origins to as early as 1806 with the Turks Island Lodge No. 275 receiving a Charter from the Grand Lodge of Scotland (The Bahama and Turks Islands were both recognized as one country at that time). There were other Lodges which were granted Charters from the Grand Lodge, most of them attached to military regiments based in the islands during that period. 

Hawiian Lodge
Hawaiian Lodge, Free & Accepted Masons, is the oldest American Masonic Lodge in the State of Hawaii. It received its dispensation to form the twenty-first constituent lodge of the Grand Lodge of California on January 12, 1852, and is also one of the oldest Masonic Lodges in that jurisdiction. Its thirteen founders included seven members of Lodge Le Progres de l’Oceanie, established in Honolulu under the Grand Lodge of France in 1843, and the two Lodges have had a close relationship ever since. (Although “Lodge Le Progres” was the first Masonic Lodge in Hawaii, it did not meet between 1850 and 1855, and its charter was treated as suspended until 1859.)  

Graeme Brodie - Blacksmiths
Graeme Brodie founded his own blacksmith company in 1995.  
We are a small company with a workshop in the Granton area of Edinburgh. As well as producing hand crafted bespoke items we carry out repair, restoration and light industrial steel work. We currently have contracts with several housing associations and do regular work for many other organisations such as the Charles Laing Bronze and Iron Foundry based in Edinburgh. We have been involved in the repair and restoration of cast iron railings within the historical City of Edinburgh. 

IFT - Industrial Floor Treatments (Stone) Ltd
IFT (Stone) Ltd install epoxy resin based floor coatings and screeds throughout England across all sectors of industry such as electronics, automotive, aerospace, engineering, chemical, pharmaceutical, food and drinks, printing, paper and packaging.

Lancaster Lodge No.104 F & A.M.
Lancaster Lodge No. 104 F. & A. M. was first chartered by the Grand Lodge of Kentucky on August 29, 1838. Its charter was arrested October 24, 1889. The original charter being lost, a new charter bearing the same number was issued to a lodge organized on October 24, 1873. The Lodge organized in 1873 became defunct in 1890. With new interest in Freemasonry in Lancaster, the Lodge was reorganized in 1892 an on October 19, 1892; the present charter bearing the same number 104 was presented. For the past one hundred years, Freemasonry has remained vigorous in Lancaster. 

Discovery Home Improvements
We are a Dundee based kitchen and Home Improvements company dedicated to bringing you the latest in new ideas and known for the quality and the pride we take in our work. We deal in Kitchen, bedroom and bathroom installations and selling a wide range of custom made cabinet door replacements. With over 30 years of experience, matched with a down-to-earth approach to choosing your own designs have made us the leaders in our field.We also supply and fit standard kitchen doors.

Masonic Art Exchange
Welcome to the web site of the Masonic Art Exchange. This project started as a group on facebook and has seemed to take on a life of its own, we have now just published our forth newsletter and even now we have already received great response to its contents. A periodical publication covering the subject of Masonic Art featuring artwork both of a masonic nature or by Freemasons, open to all.

Provincial Grand Chapter of Glasgow
New website for the Provincial Grand Chapter of Glasgow. Welcome to our new site offer information of all Glasgow Province Chapters, Cryptic Councils and Royal Ark Mariners as well as updated information on the Provincial Grand Chapter. We hope you find the site of interest and come back again. 

Provincial Grand Lodge of Wicklow and Wexford (IC)
I am pleased to welcome you to the Home Page of the Masonic Province of Wicklow and Wexford. I hope that you will find it both informative and interesting. No part of this site is private or in any way restricted. Please feel free to wander around the site and follow any links. I would especially recommend the web-site of the Grand Lodge of Ireland. 

Masonic Craftsmen - Liverpool
Welcome to Masonic Craftsmen. This site will help you find local crafts men in your area who are also Freemasons. Whilst this site will help you to find a Tradesman in your area who is also a Freemason this site is not exclusively for Masons. All of us in the craft understand that Freemasonry is not about business, it is, however, about fraternity which is why you can expect to find only quality Tradesmen on this site.

Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Fife And Kinross
All the latest information from Fife and Kinross Provincial Royal Arch Chapter To provide the members with an effective means of communicating with Companions in the Province. To provide the Companions in the Province with a calendar. We trust you found your visit informative and that you return on another occassion? 

The Lodge of Edinburgh Marys Chapel; No.1
The Lodge of Edinburgh Marys Chapel) enjoys an enviable position, not only within Scottish Freemasonry, but in the Craft throughout the world. Owing to the diligence of the Brethren who have served the Lodge in the capacity of Secretary and of the foresight of those Brethren who saw fit to safeguard our records, the Lodge has minutes reaching back to July 1599. The Lodge of Edinburgh Marys Chapel holds regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7:30pm, from October to March, 2nd Tuesday only in December. The Annual Installation and Festival of St John is held on 27 December.

Hartwell & Company Limited - Fencing, decking & gates
We are a long established family run company specialising in the supply of treated timber and quality fencing products for all situations, agricultural, commercial and for the garden. In our workshops we produce a wide range of gates, from simple garden gates to the highest quality drive entrance gates in hardwood and treated softwood. For prices and helpful advise please contact our sales office or better still visit our well stocked timberyard at Weston Subedge.  
Local delivery service available. Contact Chris Heneghan 

The Lodge Of Melrose St.John No.1 Biz
Although the Grand Lodge of Scotland was formed in 1736, the first reference to it in the minute books of the Melrose Lodge appeared in 1787. From then on, several attempts were made to get the Lodge to affiliate to Grand Lodge without success and it was not until 1891 that a union was effected. On the evening of 25 February 1891, a Commission from Grand Lodge appeared in the Lodge Room for the purpose of confirming the union.

The Lodge of Aberdeen No.1 Ter
The lodge of Aberdeen is one of our oldest lodges in Scotland and has made a distinctive contribution to the history of Freemasonry, in its long association with operative masonry, far exceeding 300 years, and in it’s possession of the celebrated ‘Mark Book’ of 1670, the Laws and Statues contained therein, and also of one of the copies of the ‘Old Charges’. 

Buchan Shed No.4
New Site Address - Ye Corporation O'Squaremen No.4 old friends of Millennium Mark.

Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge No.4
Welcome to the Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge Website. 
(under construction) 
Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge holding on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland as No.4, in the Province of Glasgow.We meet at; Trades Hall, 85 Glassford Street, Glasgow, G1 1UH 

Grand Lodge of Scotland
The present Freemasons' Hall was built during 1911 - 1912. It replaced an earlier building that had been on the site since 1858. The previous building was designed by the famous Scottish architect, David Bryce (who was a Freemason), but by the end of the century the building had become too small for the needs of Grand Lodge and it was decided to build the present building.  
Regular Communications are held in February, June and October. The annual installation takes place on the Thursday before St Andrew's Day when that is not a Thursday. 

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