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Grand Lodge of Scotland - Installatation of Master and Office Bearers *
Order Code : RSC 06     Unit Price : £ Out of Print
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Grand Lodge of Scotland Publication. 
Ritual can be obtained from Millennium Mark but can also be obtained direct from Grand Secretary, Edinburgh.  
Ceremonial for the Guidance of Grand Office-Bearers, Provincial and District Grand Office-Bearers and Office Bearers of Daughter Lodges. 
Additional Guidance. 
* Re-Dedication of a Lodge on the occassion of Bi-Centenary, Centenary, etc. 
* Erection and Concecration of a Daughter Lodge. 
* Concecration of a Temple or Lodge Room set aside for the purpose of Freemasonry. 
* Lodge of Sorrow. 
* Dedication of Masonic Regalia. 
* Dedication of V.S.L.
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