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 [Burns Federation]   [Charitable]   [Commercial]   [Eastern Star]   [English Chapter]   [English Craft]   [Governing Bodies]   [Group Masonic Centres]   [Irish Constitution]   [Knights Templar]   [Ladies Freemasons]   [London Hotel Special Rates]   [Masonic Interest]   [Masonic Publications]   [Overseas]   [Ramada Mount Royal Hotel - Edinburgh]   [Recommended Hotels]   [Rosslyn Chapel]   [Scottish Chapter]   [Scottish Craft]   [Scottish DGL]   [Scottish Overseas Constitutions]   [Scottish PGL]   [Website Awards]   [Ye Corporation O' Squaremen] 
D.G.L. of the Western Province of the Cape of Good Hope
South African District Grand Lodge website including information on all the various other Masonic Orders within the Province. Craft, Royal Arch Chapter, Knights Templar, Royal Order and Supreme Council. Very Information and interesting site worthy of viewing.

District Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Central South Africa
New Site - District Grand Royal Arch Chapter,Central South Africa. 1A Minnaar Street, Forest Hill, Johannesburg South Africa

District Grand Lodge of Bahamas
Scottish Freemasonry in The Bahamas can trace its origins to as early as 1806 with the Turks Island Lodge No. 275 receiving a Charter from the Grand Lodge of Scotland (The Bahama and Turks Islands were both recognized as one country at that time). There were other Lodges which were granted Charters from the Grand Lodge, most of them attached to military regiments based in the islands during that period. 

Lodge St.James No.860
Proxy Lodge of Bro. Alex Huskie Lodge Polmont 793 - Formally Lodge Robbie Burns No.860 (Honorary Member 1997). Founded in 1897 the Lodge meets 3rd Wednesday of every month from April to December meeting at the Masonic Hall Carrington Street & Ninth Avenue, Inglewood, Perth, Western Australia 6052


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