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The Robert Burns World Federation - World Burns Club
Welcome to “The World Burns Club” the website of The Robert Burns World Federation. This website is open to all throughout the world to further their knowledge and pursue interest in the life and works of Robert Burns. Whether you are simply looking for a few ideas for a “Burns Supper” or are a “Burnsian” of long standing offering your opinions and views in the “Discussion Forum”, or submitting a piece of research for the “Experts Archive” you are welcome to join in the World Burns Club.  

2009 is the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns birth and events are planned all over Scotland and beyond to celebrate this. The Burns250 show has been created especially with this in mind. It is a one-man show accompanied by Powerpoint slides which tells Burns' life-story based around his songs and poems.  

Robert Burns Gallery
"The genius and influence of Robert Burns is beyond analysis and criticism and his right to a place amongst the immortals is as incontestable as the right of Scotland to a place amongst the nations." "The brightest of all our lyrists, the most human of all our satirists, neither favourite of a class or clique. Burns' is truly a star in the firmament - more touching, sublime poetry, than that of Robert Burns, was never written." "Burns was a poet, not just of a country, or of a generation, but of all time." 


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